Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eureka Eureka! Last week a friend of mine (Amar) emailed me a link with a subject line “MUST READ”

Here is the link

He also said these 13 minutes of your life are worth investing in this film, I said lets do it, in the first few minutes it was clear that this is not just interesting but is going to change the world in terms of how we will be interacting and using information in the real world.

Suddenly I felt we may not require the conventional input output devices like say the monitor our car wind shield could be used for the same, the lost days of having a school class under the tree (remember the Rabindranath Tagore story?) looked like a possibility, how it would reduce the stress on working parents by giving them the flexibility to manage more things using a single interface and where ever they may be … kitchen, school ground, grocery mall, it will help us in getting rid of the digital divide - rather than machines sitting in front of machines and staying human!

'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.

Guess this could be a first step in bringing this wonderful innovation to India / Rural India.
So this is an idea worth spreading.. Let me know your views!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brain Storming on whether their is potential in starting a Sports School in India.

We have the Germans and the Chinese creating waves in the Olympics by winning medals at will and with consistency. Not to mention the supremacy of the US and the former USSR. Now that India has started to create some noise we are thinking about starting a Sports school here in India. Inviting like minded people to form a core group to evolve this IDEA!